Psychology House offers an experienced and highly qualified child & adolescent psychology service committed to delivering specialised support and intervention via comprehensive psychological and educational assessment services.

Booking an appointment can occur by phone or email.  An enquiry can also be submitted here.

All assessments are conducted in the relaxed atmosphere offered at Psychology House, Mosman Park.

Whilst assessments are able to be individually tailored to suit the needs of the client, the following general assessment services are available:

Initial Consultation Services

Early exploration, discussion, or advice.

You may feel something is wrong but you’re not sure what it is.  Advice and assistance before progressing further is available.

Book an hour to explore your concerns, discuss your options and seek some advice and additional strategies.

If an assessment is recommended, this initial consultation will be included in the assessment fee and will not be an additional charge.

Comprehensive Psychological, Educational, Social-Emotional and Behavioural Assessment

This assessment investigates an individual’s intellectual ability, behaviour and academic achievement. It aims to identify whether a child or adolescent is exhibiting learning difficulties or a specific learning disorder such as Dyslexia. It can also identify giftedness. This assessment also investigates whether an individual is exhibiting behavioural and / or emotional difficulties such as inattention and anxiety symptoms. It examines if a child or adolescent is displaying ADHD symptoms and would likely meet criteria for a diagnosis.

• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Intellectual assessment (Assessments are age dependent and may include the WPPSI- IV, WISC-V or WAIS-IV).
• Educational assessment (e.g. phonological processing, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics).
• Behavioural assessment (assessments available include the Conners-4 Parent, teacher & Self-Report rating scales, BASC-3 Parent rating scale and Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Scales)
• Examination of relevant information including developmental and educational history.
• Comprehensive Psychological report (including recommendations )

Psychological and Educational Assessment

This assessment is usually undertaken when a parent or guardian requires a broad overview of their young person’s learning. These assessments are also routinely conducted where specific queries centre around underlying learning issues and can identify if any of the difficulties present meet criteria for a specific learning disorder relating to reading, written expression and / or mathematics (e.g. Dyslexia, language-based Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia.


• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Intellectual assessment (Assessments are age dependent and may include the WPPSI- IV, WISC-V or WAIS-IV).
• Educational assessment (phonological processing, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics & skills using a comprehensive battery of valid and reliable academic tests).
• Examination of relevant information including background history, interventions received, developmental and educational history.
• Comprehensive Psychological report (including recommendations & professional diagnosis if criteria met).

Functional Assessment of Literacy and / or Numeracy

This assessment is designed to provide academic screening within areas such as: phonological processing, reading, reading comprehension, written language and mathematics. Typically this option is considered when a recent cognitive assessment is already available, when reviewing a child post targeted intervention (for the purposes of re-evaluating their progress against diagnostic criteria for a specific learning disorder), or in order to re-evaluate the functional impact of a previously diagnosed specific learning disorder (generally in preparation for a school-based application for special examination accommodations in Year 12 ATAR examinations).

• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Educational assessment (phonological processing, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics & skills using a comprehensive battery of valid and reliable academic tests).
• Examination of relevant information including background history, interventions received, developmental and educational history.
• Comprehensive Psychological report (including recommendations & professional diagnosis if criteria met).

Gifted Assessment

A psychological and educational assessment designed to identify whether a child or adolescent may be considered ‘gifted’ or advanced for their age. This assessment can also examine an individual’s suitability for educational opportunities such as academic extension, enrichment and acceleration.


• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Intellectual assessment (Assessments are age dependent and may include the WPPSI- IV or WISC-V).
• Educational assessment (academic achievement and aptitude measures examining reading, writing, spelling and phonological processing skills).
• Examination of relevant information including developmental and educational history.
• Comprehensive Psychological report (includes recommendations).

Intellectual Assessment

This assessment examines general intellectual ability. It also examines areas of strength and/or weaknesses in an individual’s cognitive profile.


• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Intellectual assessment (Assessments are age dependent and may include the WPPSI- IV, WISC-V or WAIS-IV).
• In the case of a suspected intellectual disability, a measure of adaptive functioning is also available.
• Examination of relevant information including developmental and educational history, previous reporting.
• Comprehensive Psychological report

ADHD Assessment

This assessment investigates a child or adolescents behaviour against symptoms commonly exhibited by individuals diagnosed with ADHD. Symptoms are considered alongside the diagnostic criteria for ADHD (inattentive / hyperactive-impulsive and combined subtypes). This assessment is not designed to cover additional factors relating to academic learning.


• Parent / carer initial and subsequent feedback consultations.
• Intellectual assessment (Assessments are age dependent and may include the WPPSI- IV, WISC-V or WAIS-IV).
• Behavioural assessment (assessments available include the Conners-4 Parent, teacher & Self-Report rating scales, BASC-3 Parent rating scale and Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Scales)
• Examination of relevant information including developmental and educational history.
• Parent, child & adolescent interviews examining ADHD diagnostic criteria.
• Comprehensive Psychological report (including recommendations )